Drawing boxes in reports
To draw a box:
- In 13-3 Report Writer, open the report in which you want to draw a box.
- Select Insert > Box.
- Click in the location where you want to place one corner of the box and drag the pointer diagonally to the size you want.
- Modifying box properties
- Select the box object using Edit > Select Objects.
- Right-click on the box and select Properties.
Modify the box object properties. You can modify the following properties:
- Line Width
- Line Type
- Solid
- Dash
- Dot
- Dot-Dash
- Forecolor (controls the color of the border)
- Backcolor (controls the color of the interior area)
- Position and Size
- Row: Sets the row number for the object
- Top: Sets the top position relative to the band line
- Left: Sets the left position relative to the left side of the page
- Width: Sets the width of the line
- Height: Sets the height of the line