Drawing boxes in reports

To draw a box:

  1. In 13-3 Report Writer, open the report in which you want to draw a box.
  2. Select Insert > Box.
  3. Click in the location where you want to place one corner of the box and drag the pointer diagonally to the size you want.
  4. Modifying box properties
  5. Select the box object using Edit > Select Objects.
  6. Right-click on the box and select Properties.
  7. Modify the box object properties. You can modify the following properties:

    • Line Width
    • Line Type
    • Solid
    • Dash
    • Dot
    • Dot-Dash
    • Forecolor (controls the color of the border)
    • Backcolor (controls the color of the interior area)
    • Position and Size
    • Row: Sets the row number for the object
    • Top: Sets the top position relative to the band line
    • Left: Sets the left position relative to the left side of the page
    • Width: Sets the width of the line
    • Height: Sets the height of the line